My wife Cayleen is one of the most loving and hardworking people I know. She puts everyone ahead of herself and loves unconditionally to no end. As a new mother this year she has shown me all over how much I appreciate and value everything she does.
To my mom Joan. Where to start? She is the only one who no matter what I may have done or will do, will love me to no end. There are few people in this world who are as amazing as this woman. I would be lost without her and I owe all of my successes to her. My mammy.
~ David Kearney
Liliana is a very good meal/activity/wardrobe planner and great care giver. Amazingly considerate of what is best for our daughter’s needs before her own, and the best kid’s birthday planner, and for this I salute and cherish you. God Bless.
~ Tomasz Kisiel
My wife is the light of my life and represents everything that I want my girls to become. Marcy is kind, caring and passionate. She selflessly puts others’ interests before her own and works hard to better our community today and for tomorrow. I love her dearly on this day and always.
~Ben Puzanov
To my beautiful wife Lisa: Thanks for loving me with all your heart and putting up with so many community events! Thank you for trying to make this world better, together!
To my momma in heaven! I wish the boys could have met you and see how much love you have for them! I hope I’m making you proud. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms other there!
~Sav Neth
My wife Tecla is one of the most giving and patient people I know. She is a hard working woman who puts in long days at work and at home doing whatever is needed for her family. I’m lucky to be able to call her my wife 📷!
~Nick Bruckschwaiger
Not only has she been an amazing mom to her 4 kids who are all teenagers now, but she also treats my daughter like her own. She will drop whatever she is doing and do what it takes to make sure they have what they need. To top it off she is over 8 months pregnant (due at the end of the month), still working full time, won’t let me take over her chores around the house, and keeps the kids and I organized. My wife is an amazing mom.
~Craig Morris
Nothing is more amazing than the love and passion my wife has for our daughter. She lives for little things we may overlook as fathers which I love! Any woman who takes on a nurturing role such as that shows me the importance of how much respect mothers deserve for their instrumental part in our children’s growth! Happy Mother’s Day to all of those amazing women.
~Chris Cherry
I want to wish my beautiful wife Ashley a Happy Mother’s Day!! She is the strongest, most determined, loving and caring person I know and we love her so much!! Hope you have a great day! Xoxo
~Alex Davy
What makes her an amazing mom is her compassion and her attention to detail. I can’t think of anyone that would be a better role model for my daughters to realize what an incredible woman is, and I count myself blessed everyday that we get to have her in our lives.
~Nick Teall
My wife Denise is a rock star. She took on my oldest daughter at age 4 (now 18) as her own and has been her mom since. She raises both our daughters to be awesome like her. She holds the household together while I work 60-70 hrs a week. A single mom most weeks taking care of home, school, stuff and sports. We are so lucky.
~Mike Pitre
I love the way you love and care for the children, they may not be yours biologically yet you care for them, and treat them no differently then if they were. I’ll never be able thank you enough for being their Step-Mom.
~John Hudson