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Updated: Oct 6, 2018

Hi Everyone

Thanks for tuning in after what proved to be an incredibly hectic and rewarding week. Our site going live on June 1st was an incredibly proud moment for all involved with its building and implementation. Many late nights were spent planning and creating content, while simultaneously sharing complaints about our children refusing to go to bed, and their cunning ways to attempt to outsmart us into letting them stay up. But we are going to keep plugging away and bringing you what you want to see, in a method you want to engage with.

This past ten days has been extremely fun and eye opening. A long time friend of mine, who also happens to be the afternoon host on local rock station FM96 (HI SARAH BURKE, YOU’RE THE BEST) caught wind of our launch via twitter and Facebook. She had me on her show to talk about who we are, and what we are trying to accomplish. This led to new memberships come flying in.

Thursday June 4th brought our members and admin team a special opportunity.

Our club is full of men who truly care and want to make a difference both in their households and in their community at large. We always have our eyes open for our DadsHelp program, where we utilize our members and resources to make an impact locally in areas that matter to us.

We managed to quickly pass a hat around to our crew, and were able to come up with $880 in cash donations for the second annual Corus Entertainment Radiothon for Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario. We are fortunate to witness first hand the great things that are done in that building every day, and know the impact of the dollar once it reaches their hands.

We also had the honour of being invited down to present a large envelope full of cash to the staff of the Children’s Health Foundation, and meet local radio celebrities Lianne Young and Mark Cameron and chat with them on air as to who we were and why we were donating.

Our four man admin team and the five children in tow were blown away by the experience and the feeling of genuine love and caring present in the building.

Listen to the interview on Soundcloud.

The Telethon Was a Great Success

Once our current and new members saw the power of our efforts, donations continued to come into the telethon throughout the day in the name of Dad Club London, and our overall total far surpassed $1000.

Saturday Morning Feast with the Kids

Saturday morning led us to our first edition of Eggs and Slides since we became a live group. Our members enjoy meeting with their kids in tow at a great local restaurant called Angel’s Family Restaurant, where kids are adored by the staff and no aspersions are ever cast upon errant blueberries or spilled sippy cups.

Once bellies are officially filled, we head up the road to Basil Grover Park, which is a great playground for kids of all ages with top of the line equipment for all abilities. We had a great turn out, and were happy to meet a number of new friends, including Peter and Sebastian, and Matthew and Logan.


This week is yet another huge and fun week in the annals of Dad Club London. We continue to grow, and membership applications continue to come in.

Filling a membership application out gets you the official green light to the private member forums, and on the invite list for all future events. It also will come with a lot of very near future perks. We have made arrangements for exclusive discounts and giveaways from four prominent local businesses that will benefit dads, and have exciting announcements to come.

This week, we have a dad pub night on Thursday night, and a kid meet up at Touch a Truck at Rona on Wonderland Road North on Saturday morning.

To get on the invite list for our meet ups and a chance to meet new dads either in your neighbourhood or with kids the same age, you gotta fill out a membership!

Please shoot me an email if you have any questions or would like to know more. As always, like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter.

Yours in fatherhood, Jeremy


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